Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Manchurian Candidate

Well it is as official as it can get until the convention - Barack Obama is the Democrat's standard bearer this year. I couldn't be more proud. The Democrats, after an entire lifetime of giving lip service to minorities and women, have actually put forth a candidate that was not a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, accused serial rapist or even an well two out of three.
Well actually, the party didn't do it. The voters did it. Well, actually, the super-delegates...
Historically, if you wanted minorities of any stripe appointed to positions of any significance, you're more apt (believe it or not) to find them in a Republican administration.
If that sounds crazy to you, look at the current one. Also remember that the Republicans have always been the party of Civil Rights. It was the Democrats that put up the American aparteid walll in the south. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a proud Republican. Frederick Douglass was a co-founder of the party.
I do not want to come off as majorly pro-Republican. It isn't that. I am a proud registered independant who just happens to be really anti-Democrat.
Having said all of that, a black American is running for the highest office in the land as the candidate of a major party. Too damned bad he is a left wing nutbag. He is a well spoken nutbag to be sure, but his policies put him virtually in the socialist camp. Alas, that is where the Democrats have been heading for quite some time now. I can just hear the inaugural speech now: "Ask what you can do for your country. Not!"
That is not a place I want to be.
It would be really interesting to read the foreign opinion makers if Obama wins. Very few believed it would be possible. They really have few clues as to how we think intuitively. When they get it right, it always amuses me.

His candidacy is historic. I'll even own up that I kinda like the guy. I don't much care for the missus, albeit she is smokin hot. I just wish he were more J.C. Watts and less J.C. Superstar.

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