Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Isn't It Ironic?

I love the way that David Letterman summarized Obama's VP choice of Sen. Joe Biden. He said "Nothing says Change like a guy who has been in the Senate for 35 years."
Hey. I must admit that the speech given by Michelle Obama at the Dem's was nice. She looked pretty hot too. Sophisticated women always did me in. Don't completely buy the content however.
Then there was "The Great Liberal Lion." Personally, I liked him better in the Wizard of Oz. I feel for his family. I also feel for his victim from decades ago. Never understood how he got away scot free.
Funny. When it comes to this year's election cycle, the Wizard of Oz becomes more and more appropriate an analogy.
Where are my red shoes?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Another Reason I Love Being a Man

Never watched the Olympics much. Well I did watch when it was in Mexico but I was just a wee laddie.
Now I am all grown up and loving volleyball.
U S A! U S A! U S A!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Reasons to Happy About...

being an American.
1# Miss Felix, if you please.
I feel pretty good about being a man too. Is this proof there is a God?

Monday, August 04, 2008

Circumstance and Flux

Weeks blow by...
Yeah it has been a few weeks. Got pretty good at being regular at this.
Circumstance and Flux. So much of life is circumstance and flux.
I had just gotten to a point where I had a reasonable schedule going for myself. Cannot say that it was a very productive schedule but it was mine.
Now it is back to the aforementioned circumstance and flux. Good name for a band.
Well I have my agenda set but now the implementation is in my way. Gotta get my gear catalogued, photographed and sold. Then I can move on.
Serendipity is an asset if you can adjust quickly.
Stability can be a curse since it has a pair of nasty sisters. You may know them by their stage names - Stagnation and Serenity.
Yeah, I said it - Serenity. She can be a bitch. She definitely has teeth. Everybody wants her. Nobody really knows her. People have given their lives for her. People has taken lives in her name. She flirts shamelessly with everyone.
And make no mistake about it - she will leave you.
Everybody expects Stagnation to be bad. Well, to be brutally frank, she kills her host. Just like in nature. People seek her out anyway. But Serenity has many stalkers.
I will take Serendipity over Serenity any day. Another thing is, Serendipity doesn't leave. She does hide sometimes...