Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hit Me Up, Barista-ji

A short while back, I had a craving satisfied. It wasn't just the product, it was the familiarity. It was the casual experience I've had a million times before. It was the queuing up, like visiting the Soup Nazi. Make your  order. Shift to the right. Make your payment. Shift to the right.
But this was Mumbai. It was right around the corner from the Taj Hotel. The setting was like a large living room with several comfy chairs, a table and a shitload of hipsters. Felt like calling up my buddy, Tony, to come and meet me for a caffeinated beverage or two. Unfortunately, it would take about 3-4 weeks for him to arrive. Well, at least, I'd have coffee.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Big Pep Talk

It isn't just that people generally suck, it is that they feel entitled while they suck that disturbs me so. There is a never-ending parade of oxygen thieves going on before our eyes. We watch. Can't take our eyes away. It is like driving by a horrible accident on the highway - you can't help yourself. Ya gotta look. It should be on every major city's calendar of annual events. Well, in most cities, it is a daily event, but let us just go ahead and recognize it officially.
We can call it "Parasitic Sunday."
"I'm Taking Up Space Day."
Go ahead and have fun with it, cuz they ain't goin away.


I'm just a little frazzled today.
I could use a drink.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Big "O"

The United States has shifted its focus to Asia.
Hmmm. Not really news. We've been an Asia-focused nation for a very long time. We've been Japan-obsessed (pro and con). We've been China obsessed (pro and con ). We've been Vietnam obsessed (pro and con). We've been... Get the picture?
We've had a presence there for more than 100 years. Asia has had a presence in the United States for longer than that.We're literally 1 mile apart.
Google it.
So, the "new" focus ain't really new. It isn't a "new" policy at all. What we've done is recognize that Europe has gotten smaller. We'll continue to ignore Africa and treat South America like noisy neighbors. The middle east is just a pain in the ass and will be ignored once we don't need them for energy requirements. Why? We're a meddlesome aunt/uncle. We're fickle. We give gifts. We interfere. We wag our finger. We go home and ignore.
Asia is different. We do our manufacturing there. We do our banking there. We owe them a shitload of money. We get our engineers there. We do our "aren't we nice/feel good" work there. We take their money for educating their youth. Our favorite cuisines come from there. A sizable chunk of our back office work is there. Hence, we blame them for our unemployment issues. Well, them and Mexicans.
So , be grateful that we've finally announced the obvious. America is Asia-oriented. So pucker up and glace longinly in Asia's direction. We've made our bed.