Friday, February 19, 2010


Well I'll have to own up right now. I didn't see it coming. Not in my lifetime.

We have what one may call a socialist in the White House. That, in my estimation, would be understatement. When Republicans act like Democrats and the Democrats act like Bolsheviks, calling the prez a socialist is just being respectful of the man.

We now have a group of people with no political party as such, but who scare the hell out of leftists everywhere. The Tea Party people. It isn't a political party, if you remember your history, it is an homage to an event. It was the moment when a young colony decided that enough was enough and moved to kick the British off American soil. It was just the beginning but, oh it scared the Sherlock Holmes outta the crown.
The movement has not titular head. It is about an agenda of limited government and free market capitalism. It is about the actual Bill of Rights - actual free speech and right to worshp (or not). It is about bearing arms and states rights. Oh yeah, the tax thing. Hmmm. Tea Party. Get it?
I also never thought I'd see the day when there were no Kennedys in elected office. Hell, I thought Teddy would be enbalmed and propped up in his chair. Now there is a Republican representing Mass. in the Senate. There is now a fiscal reformer in the governor's mansion in New Jersey. Democrats across the country are declining to run again after their current term ends.
There was snow on the ground in all 50 states in January. Go ahead. Check for yourselves.
Then there is the Canadian government apologizing for all of those years of Celine Dion. I, for one, shall be putting in for reparations.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Does This Taste Funny To You?

I took many months off as this year took a lot out of me.

First,my health wasn't so hot. Some chronic b.s. to deal with.

Secondly, I was left with premonitions manifesting themselves before my very eyes. The virtual death of the American auto industry, nationalization of capital and health care, and anyone standing in the way being labeled domestic terrorists, radical racists and, God forbid, "teabagging Republicans."

Well, I am a gun-toting, disabled vet, non-Republican, capitalistic, teabagging, well-educated, globe-trotting,socialism-loathing, pro-immigrant, anti-illegal immigrant, "24"-watching, Objectivist-oriented, Libertatian-leaning, quasi-Buddhist/Catholic, who loves his country.

Any objections?

I am a supporter of Club Gitmo. I am a supporter of Israel and its right to exist.

I think that today's France is more hawkish than the U.S. I also know that Sweeden has lower corporate taxes than we do.

I know that this president was chastised by the Vladimir Putin (Russia's leader and former head of the KGB) on our flirting with socialism. We were similarly put on notice by the leader of the People'sRepublic of China (and head of the Chinese Comminist Party).

Notice a pattern here?

I support the Bill of Rights. That means the 2nd and 10th Amendments as well as the oft-miscited 1st.

I note the irony that stems from my blossoming when I live outside of my own borders and that I never feel more American than when I do. At home, I find most people not interested in the world unless that subject has a snarky bumper sticker associated with it.
This has had the effect of causing my heart to be heavy.
We have been sipping from the Bolshevik goblet, pumped full of feel-good about yourself rhetoric and being led with a Stalinist vision.
Drink up Shriners.