Monday, January 02, 2006

Who is John Galt?

Allright already...2006. Cool.
It is a new year once more and I am more or less where I was last year...thinking about being somewhere else. Granted, last year at this time, I was freezing my ass off in the northeast. Today blistering cold made it down to 80 degrees outside. Yeah, I'm living amongst the palm trees and still thinking about being elsewhere.
Is it the grass is greener bullshit or is it just the old Irish curse about not being happy if you stand still too long?
I do not have the answer. Perhaps I do not even possess a clue. I have a nice house, the vehicles, ad infinitum, but something always seems to be missing. Somebody ancient and Greek - fill in the blank if you know, cuz I do not remember - said, "the nature of man is to be discontent." Give that man a cigar (and a gyro).
(pause for a Marlboro and effect...)
I pose the following question: Can a liberal be a follower of Ayn Rand?
Now I do not suppose you must adhere to Objectivist doctrine to be a Rand fan. You may indeed be appreciative of her novels alone and still be not quite down with her philosophy.
I make this query due to the fact that I have a friend who proclaims unbridled passion for her writings yet also espouses extremely left of center views. This is a contradiction.
I also have a liberal friend who proclaims that the evils of political correctness came from the right wingers of the country. Yikes.
Personally, I am not a good fit at either end. I would make a lousy fascist or communist equally. It is kinda like what Groucho said: "I wouldn't belong to any organization that would have me."

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