Saturday, December 31, 2005

Illegitimi Non Carborundum

It is now the last day of 2005 and what a glorious day it was. The sun was shining bright. The temperature was in the mid-70s and I picked up two DVDs for my sensationally boring New Year's Eve plans. I have a nice bottle of Sonoma Valley red to consume with snacks while I watch two tales of horror starring some Hollywood hotties.
Horror films seem quite appropriate considering I have but one resolution to consider every year - "I won't do that stupid shit again." Then I fill in the blanks with the considerable number of stupid things that I remember doing and pray that other forget.
This day makes me recall many things:
Favorite film - "Black" with Mr. Bacchan and Rani Mukerjee.
Favorite book - "Imperial Grunts" by Robert D. Kaplan.
Favorite CD - either of the Black Eyed Peas CDs
Favorite moment - seeing the "Welcome to New Jersey" sign in my rear-view mirror. I don't hate the place (as some in my acquaintance do), it is just that I wither away there. Hoboken will proudly remain my hometown.
Favorite news event - UN Oil for Scandal. This is the largest documented scam in human history and most folks know ungatz about it. It isn't that the info isn't there. It just appears that few care to care. My suggestion is that we free up that prime NYC real estate and put those corrupt bastards someplace else. Alacatraz Island is a thought. Nova Scotia has lots of land if they have to stay on the East Coast. Skip that. I like Nova Scotia. Pick a smaller island.
To be fair, this is not just a 2005 story. It has become a perrenial.
Enough of that crap...
On a high note - two of my best buds just returned home from Baghdad. They had both re-upped and volunteered to go in the first place. They're not the youngsters in uniform that I remember back when but ya gotta love the balls and sense of duty and pride. I'm a lucky man to have such pals. Cool thing was that i got to kibbitz on a regular basis.
Kinda lost my sense of place here...started this one way and got caught in a slipstream.
The hell with it. The sun is setting. I can smell the ocean. I have a legit cup of hot masala tea and a full packa smokes. Life is grand.
I imagine it would be a lot better if I quit the smokes.
Perhaps I should reconsider the resolution thing?

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