Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hit me with your (bird)shot

Hey, I know Dick Cheney is all over the news regarding his shotgun malfunction. Dumbass response to be sure. But what the hell is wrong with the press and their sheer inability to cover something that may not be as sexy, but has a helluva lot more teeth?
What am I talking about? - Al Gore eviscerating America once more, but this time to a Saudi Arabian audience in the Saudi kingdom itself.
What in bloody hell is wrong with that weasely worm? He isn't stupid. Albeit, he did flunk out of divinity school (how do you flunk God?). Going to SA and giving a big mea culpa to an audience that pretty much believes he was the former VP from the United States of Satan.
All I can say is Damn him! His hatred for W and his anger over his loss has taken control of his senses again. Take some Viagra for you self worth and move on. Grow another beard and go away. Why do we have to suffer for his shortcoming once again?
He apologizes for the US in the nation that essentially gave birth to this global conflagration in the first place and he and his cronies will sit back with glee as they try to gain traction over a hunting mishap with a single casualty. I have more than 3,000 reasons to find fault with his apology and his analogy.

1 comment:

zambezi said...

where the fuck have you disappeared?you were supposed to come this way or some shit like that.