Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Stop that! You'll go blind

It seems that the US Senate is oh so very pleased with itself over its "comprehensive" immigration bill. One of the major concerns was about "Criminalizing" illegals.
I said that right - "Criminalizing" illegals.
If someone is cited with the preface "illegal," wouldn't you presume that criminal activity was already a given?
They want to make it illegal to dig a tunnel under the border controls. Excuse me. Isn't that already against the law? How about robbing a 7-11? Want to criminalize that?
I've known for a long time that the American standard of English was under assault by tremendously lazy users in a grander society. Not that my grasp of the language is profound, but it may be better than some. However, this dumbing down pushed along by political correctness and popular culture now seems to be affecting legal language.
Remember "Ban Intolerance?"
The Senate has just taken part in this grandiose masturbatory exercise that is amazingly called reform. It is a painful selection of words proudly proclaiming amnesty for illegal migrants, impotent border enforcement, larger criminal presence in our society, greater drain on our "safety net," and general disrespect for our laws in general. Bravo!
If the identity theft, social security fraud and $20 billion dollars funnelled out of the country annually doesn't disturb you, what will? Perhaps a foreign head of state coming here to criticize the use of our own military in our own country, our immigration policies and ...oh. Fox was here yesterday.
Mexico does not want to reform its culture of corruption. It wants to unduly influence our domestic policies and agenda. It is (without doubt) dangling an oil coated carrot and stick in out face while whispering the name "Chavez" in certain circles. All the while, it is getting rid of hundreds of thousands of its underclass by printing up brochures telling them how and where to cross into sovereign US territory.
If they die...damn you George Bush!
Were it not for the US government's complicitness in the matter, their behavior could be deemed hostile. The list of affronts is very long and very troubling.
Now with Fox soon to be out of office, the US has a lot more to be concerned about. Who will take the helm - leftists or the right-wing. Neither will be of any real service to its northern neighbor. For some reason, when nationalists take over a country, there is cause for celebration, unless the Americans act nationalistic. That is arrogance.
Remember boys and girls, Mexico is our friend. Just don't drink the Kool-Aid.
So when the US Congesss proclaims the 12-17 million illegals in this country to be legal, remember that they can then petition to have x-number of their family members to come in as well. What are we talking here? An extra 30 million? This will be all legal. Not that that seems to matter to anybody.
So have a smoke America and don't forget to wipe the headboard.

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