Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Not Over the Hill Yet

What the Dilly, Philly!
I guess Pa. voters needed to get their Clinton on yesterday. The distaff Clinton posted even better numbers than the pundits prognosticated. She sprinted to the finish with a 10-point gap.
Hillary sure has shown her grit these past few months. Faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, she fights on. She had been a punching bag for so long, she can take it witout flinching. Her callouses must have callouses.
She reminds me of a toy from way back - "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down."
I've grown in my respect for her political will. She does not have the pathological need to be loved like her hubby does, but that doesn't stop her from parading her disingenuous "woman of the people" b.s. In the end, it it most often determination, not talent, that wins. She has got that in spades. I don't know that it will be enough.
In any event, she will be able to say "You should see the other guy."
It is too bad that her policies suck so badly. I've really learned to admire that steely conviction of hers.
I was watching Charlie Rose last night. I try not to miss the program if I can. There was a bevy of journos and Doris Kearns-Goodwin discussing Tuesday's events. One of them, a New York Times reporter, asked the if anyone on the panel could describe either the Obama or Clinton economics/job creation plan. You heard crickets. Then some mild amusement.
Because there is none, other than raising taxes and getting rid of the capital gains tax exemption. That is, with the exception of ending NAFTA.
If we ended NAFTA, we'd have to renegotiate our oil agreements with Canada, our #1 supplier. You want to see some happy oil people? End NAFTA.
I have to speak plainly here - protectionism is stupid. Utter idiocy. Between the neo-luddites trying to keep us in last century's industries and the anti-growth/government programs folks, we have our hands pretty damn full here. You want there to be, as Ross Perot put it, a great big sucking sound of jobs leaving America, get all protectionist. Sure, we'd have secure industries for a few years. Then competition put those companies out of business and where do you look for jobs then? Not in this country.
Some of this is beneath basics. Economics 101. However, when it isn't something people want to hear...
So party on Garth!. Party on Hill!

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