Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election Over? Roll Over and Have a Smoke

when john edwards came out and gave some comments in the wee hours wednesday morning, i wondered who this guy was. oh yeah. kerry's guy. i had wondered what had happenned to him. he all but disappeared (or so it seemed to me).
later in the day, kerry came out and said it was over. everybody gushed and said he was so gracious. well, you have to admit, gore had lowered the bar so far that just saying that he was not the president yet would have been an improvement. kerry did what he should have done. he is not suppossed to get extra credit for doing what is right in the first place. i did not rob a bank, swindle an old lady or kill a dog. do i get extra credit? aren't i a grand individual that should be considered wonderful because i did not drive drunk with an young girl (not my wife) and leave her in the water after a crash and not tell anybody? wait...that was the other senator from mass. yeah, he is wonderful too.
kerry did the right thing and i'm glad, but hey, this is the presidential race. leave the parasitical lawyers at home. thank you.
chirac and the piano player from peanuts called the prez just to say "hey." isn't that swell? can't we all just get along? "i know we screwed you over george, but what the hey."
after the early exit returns came in, i'll admit to feeling pretty numb. i could not believe that things were going so badly. then, some time later in the day, i heard james carville say "it doesn't look too good for our side." i sat up and paid close attention because there had been some drama that i missed. "lucy...'splain."
well, the point of all of this is that bush had to win. that is all. i will, no doubt, go into all of the reasons that make feel this way, but suffice to say that for the future safety and security of me and mine - americans and the US itself - bush is the guy for the job.
i'm sure that i'll go into plenty of polemic in the future. i'm sure that i'll get all jersey and slip in some expletives and so on. it is part of my makeup. however, i'll also strive to make salient points to back my positions as well.

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