Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Big "O"

The United States has shifted its focus to Asia.
Hmmm. Not really news. We've been an Asia-focused nation for a very long time. We've been Japan-obsessed (pro and con). We've been China obsessed (pro and con ). We've been Vietnam obsessed (pro and con). We've been... Get the picture?
We've had a presence there for more than 100 years. Asia has had a presence in the United States for longer than that.We're literally 1 mile apart.
Google it.
So, the "new" focus ain't really new. It isn't a "new" policy at all. What we've done is recognize that Europe has gotten smaller. We'll continue to ignore Africa and treat South America like noisy neighbors. The middle east is just a pain in the ass and will be ignored once we don't need them for energy requirements. Why? We're a meddlesome aunt/uncle. We're fickle. We give gifts. We interfere. We wag our finger. We go home and ignore.
Asia is different. We do our manufacturing there. We do our banking there. We owe them a shitload of money. We get our engineers there. We do our "aren't we nice/feel good" work there. We take their money for educating their youth. Our favorite cuisines come from there. A sizable chunk of our back office work is there. Hence, we blame them for our unemployment issues. Well, them and Mexicans.
So , be grateful that we've finally announced the obvious. America is Asia-oriented. So pucker up and glace longinly in Asia's direction. We've made our bed.