Yeah, well...
It is almost time. Hell, it has been for a long time now. It seems like every moment is fraught with obstacles and del
I am a bit phobic of a few things. I have a medical thingy coming up this week. I am facing economic plunder. The mad sell-off. There is the boxing up to do. There is the donate most of my excess to whichever charitable organization I deem worthy/find first. Last minute visits (long overdue).
Visa. Ticket.
Yeah. Phobia. Ummm. Plenty.
All the while - Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock...
But, as the economic theory goes, what are the "opportunity costs" to this plan of action?
Well, for starters, I am getting rid of a ton of stuff. Good stuff. expensive stuff. Stuff I would like to acquire whenever I settle. But, for now, it just sits in boxes anyway. So what real value does it have? On the other hand, it is like an anchor around my neck. I'm drowning in it all. It has prevented me from moving on.It isn't like I'm moving a few towns over.
I also have to admit, I kinda dig the quasi-Jesuit lifestyle. It is ridiculously liberating.
Removing that anchor will also make it all very, very real. THAT alone makes me a little nervous.
Well, I'm not joining the Foreign Legion, and it's not a big, freaking tattoo on my face I fear. It is just a newly added frayed nerve. A PTSD on top of my AO-OCD. Am I SOL? WTF?!?!
Tea. I'll make tea. Sikkim will be today's provider.
Everything is better after a cup of tea.
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