Well, that was interesting. The Coronation went swell. Helluva speech. Too bad the old preacher had to play the stick it in the eye game at the end of whole thing. White. Do what is right. Hmmmm. How did the black guy get elected? Hmmmm.
I was moved by the newly-sworn in president's words. He began graciously by thanking President Bush. He spoke about the troops. Like that. Spoke about how his dad probably wouldn't have been seated in a D.C. eatery a few decades back. Touching stuff. Liked it lots. He said that all Americans need to do their part and take personal responsibility. Great start.
Aretha. Bueno. The quartet was excellent. Wow. What an event. I was a little uncomfortable by the first preacher. He made a mistake by calling Obama's father an immigrant. I thought he was here as a student. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Then the old guy - who undoubtedly had to deal with a lot of undeserved shit in his lifetime - said that white should do right. Black, brown, yellow and red. All good to go. But white... That was a disappointment to an otherwise American celebration. I guess I should feel un-included now.
Was it like North Korea out there? Wow. Or even the opening of the Beijing Olympics with that sea of flogs. But this is what the cult of personality brings to the table. If it makes people grit their teeth and get down to business, I'll survive.
I love the fact that the rest of the world digs it so much. If they didn't, too bad, but they really dig it. The "promise" of America fulfilled. Okay. I'll buy that. The historical significance is not to overlooked. It actually made me feel rather proud that despite some tragic history, a black guy with the middle name of Hussein was just given the oath of office. Oh yeah, Michelle's dress was designed by a Cubana. I'm just sayin. Kinda cool, no? It is just too damned bad that the guy is a socialist. Well, not for him. For us. God help us.
Whatever. The world will be cured by image alone. Can't wait.
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