“There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses,” Mr. Obama said during an appearance in the Oval Office with Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner. “Now’s not that time. And that’s a message that I intend to send directly to them, I expect Secretary Geithner to send to them.”
He said it.
He really did.
There is a time to make a profit, but time is not now.
We've come a long way from the expression - "The business of America is business."
I have had a problem since day one - Bolshevik wanna-be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know - community organizer. Just like the 1917 Revolution. This may sound extreme to some but then again, the majority of Americans seem pleased that we've nationalized our financial system. Whiffs of Hugo Chavez.
Punish the bourgeoisie. I'm sorry. Unfamiliar with the term. Let me help you.
The bourgeoisie are members of the upper or merchant class, whose status or power comes from employment, education, and wealth. It is the class owning the means for producing wealth.The bourgeoisie is the social class which obtains income from ownership or trade in capital assets, or from commercial activities such as the buying and selling of commodities, wares, and services.Ah, the clarion bell of class warfare was struck many moons ago, but now it tolls here. The Democrats have been bobbling the clapper for a long time but have only recently banged the shit outta that bell. Whooda thought Castro could get the last laugh?
I mean, really people. When you want a job, do you go to the "noble" homeless guy and give him an application? How about the "noble" welfare mother raising her "fatherless" kids? No you do not. You go to the capitalist who put his or her money on the line and pays out the ass in salary and other government-mandated costs just for the privileged of supporting your lazy, non-productive ass. I mean that in the kindest and gentlest way. Really, I do, you hyper-sensitive dipshit. Get over it. That is why it is called work.
Now Wikipedia describes the relationship thusly - "Marxism sees the proletariat (wage laborers) and bourgeoisie as directly waging an ongoing class struggle, in that capitalists workers and workers try to resist exploitation. This exploitation takes place as follows: the workers, who own no means of production of their own, must seek employment in order to make a living. They get hired by a capitalist and work for him, producing some sort of goods or services. These goods or services then become the property of the capitalist, who sells them and gets a certain amount of money in exchange. Part of this money is used to pay workers' wages, another part is used to pay production costs, and a third part is kept by the capitalist in the form of profit (or surplus value in Marxist terms). Thus the capitalist can earn money by selling the surplus (profit) from the work of his employees without actually doing any work, or in excess of his own work. Marxists argue that new wealth is created through work; therefore, if someone gains wealth that he did not work for, then someone else works and does not receive the full wealth created by his work. In other words, that "someone else" is exploited. In this way, the capitalist might turn a large profit by exploiting workers."
Sounds like a DNC meeting. You see, in communist parlance, everybody is created equal. However, some are more equal than others (party members and their favored lackeys).
This is why a tax cheat becomes head of the Treasury. The chief law enforcement officer thought it was okay for Bill Clinton to pardon terrorist bombers and, the aptly-named, Mr. Rich. What is it about tax cheats that produce nothing the Dems love so much but let a producer "exploit" somebody. Off with his head.
It now appears that the socialism that I have feared has indeed arrived. The irony of all of this is that Sweden, that socialist paradise, has a lower corporate tax rate than the United States. It is also good to note that governmental interference (read social experiment) in the mortgage market was the tipping point for all of this shit-mess we're in right now.
So all of you stupid bastards with your heads buried in the sand, remember that this particular position leaves your ass exposed.
In the immortal words of a PIL song - "This is what you want. This is what you get."