Alrighty then... I begin this morning like many, I catch the tube news. I do this now more than ever before. It is due in part to the absence of certain radio attractions (like a show) that I'd like to begin my days with. I'd also have to admit that the dulcet tones put forth by Ann Curry are rather nice in the a.m. Maggie Rod has also got a rockin bod.
Now, the thing that kinda drives me crazy in the morning is the media notion that Barack Obama is pretty much the return of the Christ child. Yup. Jesus H(ussein) Christ.
Everybody is America loves him. The rest of the world loves him. You will too if only you drink this now. C'mon drink it. ISAIDDRINKIT!!!
Just to set a few notes here. I could care less if his middle name was Osama. I don't care enough about who the rest of the world thinks should run my country. I have to admit my curiosity for it however.
Certain radical groups may consider Obama's "Muslim" background an issue - fundamentalists of both the Muslim and Christian varietals. I, personally, don't a shit. I would, however, give a shit if he was leading services. I mean, look at the ones he was already attending. Oh right. Affiliation matters. Or is it race? I get so confused these days. Never mind.
Well, here is the deal. The polls are divided in half, give or take 5-points. So Obama is the choice for half. Wait. Obama-Clinton was equally divided (more or less) but was bitter. So that means he only got a 25-percent Christ-like following. Hmmmm.
My only plea is to judge this on the merits - Obama is a fucking left-wing ideologue who is running against a liberal Republican. There is no conservative in the race.
We will have change no matter what. I just do not want to be stuck with only pocket change. So let us take this democrat out of the manger or pray that he surrounds himself with at least three wise men.
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