Sunday, April 13, 2008

An Elite Ideal

Yes, it is true. "Ordinary" people can make a difference, all the while "clinging" to their guns and their faith in a "bitter" attempt to deal with their economic misfortune. So if you are an "average white person," Obama's got the Wright stuff.

This is especially the case if you are an elitist snob who knows what is best for everyone.
I will own up to the fact that I'm loving this political season. I get to see the Clinton campaign implode with its deceit coming to the fore. Bill's legacy is coming apart at the seams. The rats are leaving the ship in droves. I almost feel bad.
Ah, no I don't.
The party of domestic imperialism is continuing its evolution into a party of upper echelon elitists. Being a Democrat means turning your back on free trade (Bill's big success). It means being in love with the cotton candy messiah. He is sugary sweet and no substance. All of his credentials make for a great social worker and, perhaps, a fine mayor. However, he is but an extremely liberal neophyte.
Do not get me wrong. I love the idea of Obama. I love the fact that he is probably going to be the standard bearer for the Democratic party for president. I would say that few are batting an eye in regards to his mixed heritage. This is the (delayed) promise of America. More and more, the notions of ethnicity matter less than the content of someone's character. Got it. Down with that.
My problem is I that I wish it were J.C. Watts instead.
I love the idea of Hillary. Sorta. Well, I love the idea of a woman running for the top American job. But this is not a new idea for those old enough to remember that Shirley Chisolm ran against Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace for the top spot in the 1960s.
Let us not forget that Shirley Chisolm was a black woman. She broke barriers 40 years ago but, unfortunately, did not live to see this year's conclusion. I am saddened that she has not been a prominent figure mentioned in the current debate. She sure made an impact on me as a boy.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the Democratic Party I grew up in is dead. It is in the ground in an unmarked and unhallowed grave. It was unceremoniously dumped in the middle of the night back when Sam Nunn left government service.
Want proof? Look how the party shit all over Joe Lieberman. He was Al Gore's running mate, then the party nominated someone else for his Senate seat in the next cycle. He won another term as an independent.
I, too, am an independent. Proudly so. But in the end, ya gotta choose.
This cycle is not dissimilar to riding the most frightening roller coaster. It is scaring the living bejuzzus outta me but I relish the ride regardless. I hope the bludgeoning that is going on between the democrats continues long enough for someone out there to recognize that giving away the store does not equal a platform.
Hillary, the born-again populist, said to some voters before an early primary "When elected, here is what I am going to give you."

Excuse me! Who said anything was yours to give? I'm sorry. I forgot. Can I have another spoonful of bullshit please?
Given my druthers, if I had to choose between the Dems, I'd choose the she-devil. As the saying goes: "Better the devil you know..."
If I were to take the rhetoric from the conservative factions to heart, I guess I could vote Democrat by making my mark for McCain. Remember all those Democrats who said "I'd vote for McCain" in the last 8 years? We'll see.
Today's Democratic Party has become the Entitlement Party. They increase entitlements from the public coffers and feel entitled to become president...all the while dodging sniper fire at a welcoming ceremony whenever they visit the Balkans.
In the end, it kinda reminds me of Plato's Republic. The free thinking, poets and artists take over,blah, blah. Then they form a dictatorship, blah, blah, of poets and artists, blah, blah. Yup, a dictatorship.
I'm more of a Leviathan kinda thinker. As they say - life can be nasty, brutish and short (that is, if you don't take some responsibility for your life).
So as I continue to watch the election season build up to its crescendo, I'll clean my guns, maybe go to church and try to be as ordinary as I wanna be. After all, I am an average white person, albeit not a bitter one.

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