Today is the day of the Great American Boycott, Nothing Gringo Day and "A Day Without an Immigrant."
Mierda del toro!
First off. This smacks of the same intellectual dishonesty as in the film "A Day Without a Mexican." This was a funny movie. Perhaps not so intentionally. The film put forth the notion that everyone with a Spanish background disappeared and California was in tatters. The end result being that the day ended and even the Border Patrol was putting out the welcome mat. This celluliod detritus implied that all the folks named Gomez are Mexican.
*Insert the aforementioned by-product del toro here.*
Now fast forward to today - May 1st 2006. What we have to clear up here is semantic. This is not "A Day Without Immigrants." To be proper, it is "A Day Without Illegal Migrants." You see, the argument about these people being "undocumented" is fallacious. This would equte with the Minutemen in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California being "undocumented Border Patrol agents." They are also not to be confused with immigrants because a large amount of them only want to make as much money as they can and go home to live off their dollars.

Even the new fangled Especial Anthem ends with "Somos Latinos." Those signs that were handed out for weeks state "We are America!" None of them said "We are Americans."
However, I will not stand by and allow myself to be labeled anti-immigrant. I was raised in a city that was majority immigrant. My first love was a foreign born refugee. More than half of my closest friends and definately the women I've had relationships with in my life (that adds up to a lot of ... years) were born on foreign soil. I have two sisters-in-law who are foreign born. My sisters' husband is foreign born. All arrived here legally.
And isn't it a damned shame that this spate of name calling mandates that arguments begin with "some of my best friends are..."
It is a shill game.
America is great because of the influx of "others." However, this is not France and mobs do not make the law. Congress makes the law. Mobs seemingly break those laws. At the very least, mobs defy those laws.
Ergo, they act illegally. Cogito they are criminals.
Let us take a quick look without moral equivalence or emotional sleight-of-hand.
Fact: The migrants are here illegally.
Fact: They do not all pay taxes.
Fact: Those that do using false identification, social security numbers and so forth, are committing a form of identity theft.
Fact: Money earned here is being funnelled back to Mexico - the largest source of revenue second only to the Mexican oil industry.
Fact: The most properous country in the world has a porous border with a corrupt third world nation that encourages people to leave.
Mexico wants these people to keep going to the US as sort of a pressure release. What loss is 300 thousand highschool dropouts to El Fox? It keeps that government from having to make radical reforms.
My own notions regarding the dispute: 1) Stop the hemorrhaging at the border by shutting it down "like an Iron Curtain." Build a very large wall from the Gulf of Mexico to Imperial Beach. This would provide a lot of jobs in areas of the US with high unemployment rates. We could add irony to insult by using some of those unemployed former East Germans who made the other "Wall." Perhaps some H-1 Visa Israeli engineering students could intern there.
2) Consider using the RICOH laws to punish business owners who encourage illegality by hiring these criminals in "solidarity." It is conspiricy, is it not? To show we are not without heart, we should promise to put them in the same prisons.
3) Promote more rallies. Hire more deputies to round up illegals at said rallies and process them for deportation. Use shuttered military bases if you run of of room.
4) Change the 14th Amendment so as to end "Birth Tourism."
5) Fine and/or impeach politicians who promote voting by non-citizens. RICOH Suave!
6) Now that the border is secure. Promote the hell out of legal immigration.
All in all, I do not want the rally to be a one day thing. I am for making "A Day Without Illegal Migrants" an everyday thing.
This is a subject I shall return to. In the interim, pass the chimichangas.
Somos Latinos? Well, some are; somos not
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