Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Capitol Idea

Addressing a session of Congress.
Sometimes, I find myself wondering "if only.."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Orwell v. Huxley Redux

Having visited this notion quite often of late (this being the "Silly Season" and all, a pithy analysis was in order. Since Mr. Postman was rather concise in his analysis here, I thought I would share it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Orwell v. Huxley

In the grand scheme of things, who was "more" correct - Aldous Huxley, or George Orwell? Now, I'll admit openly that I have a dark vision. I believe, in principle, in the writings of Thomas Hobbes, Malthus, Orwell and Huxley. This is true for many different reasons, as well as one unifying one - we create our own dystopia. And, we are doing so right now.
What got me started on this train of thought? I read "Lord of the Flies" a long time ago. Plato even wrote of the dictatorship of the artists. Our DNA always seems to get in the way of "peaceful" co-existence.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Freedom to Fail

Rhetorical flourish? Perhaps.
I truly believe that free societies cannot be completely safe. But non-free societies instill even more fear into me..
Democracy is grand, yet scary as hell. I fear majority rule more than anything. That is not freedom either. I cannot see mandatory rules for behavior and thought as being "free." I have the liberty to do as "they say so?" Bullshit!
Freedom is messy. People get hurt. That is the cost of freedom. Many cannot handle true freedom. It scares them too damned much.
I want the freedom to think, regardless of those who may be offended by my thoughts. I want the freedom to worship as I wish. Or not to worship at all.
Freedom is about the ability to choose.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...

I believe in the Power of One.
I believe that one person can, and has, made all of the difference. One person will initiate the call for innovation. One person begats a new faith. One person creates the template for innovation. One person is all that it takes to cry out for change.
The majority subordinates. The majority seeks to hammer down change. The majority seeks for others to submit. Nay. They damand submission.
The individual says "Bullshit!"
The power of one rises up. The power of one screams "Enough!"
It begins with one.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Boogie Man

Iran sure can pick winners.
But, you must admit, this bat-shit crazy bastard sure can grab some headlines.
But, his manners do leave something to be desired.
If only his head was filled with oil. Or, sanity.