Patriots or Racist Rednecks? I guess it depends on where you stand on the issue of socialism and the notion that the government Juggernaut is out of control. It also has a lot to do with preaching about what free speech is versus free speech itself.
Individuals should decide for themselves what they believe.
One of the greatest lines I've ever heard about American identity and why we believe as we do came from this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC9X5moico4
"It's not because we're better than everybody else, it's because we are everybody else."
By serendipity, I came across this site - http://dallasteaparty.org/principles/
These core principles are as follows:
Limited Government – As our Founding Fathers recognized, restraint of government is necessary to protect the liberties of the people.
Fiscal Responsibility – Government at all levels must learn to live within its means. To saddle future generations with the crushing burden of our excess spending is unconscionable.
Personal Responsibility – Liberty is unsustainable without responsibility. Each citizen must take responsibility for the consequences of his or her own actions while respecting the rights and dignity of others.
The Rule of Law – Consistent, independent and uniform application of the law is critical to a free and prosperous society.
National Sovereignty – We must maintain a strong national defense, effective security for our borders, and sole control over our land and our laws.
What we won’t stand for:
Personal Attacks – We’re debating positions and policies, not demonizing people or groups.
Unfounded Rumors – The easily verifiable facts are bad enough. Don’t weaken our position by stretching the truth.
Fiscal Responsibility – Government at all levels must learn to live within its means. To saddle future generations with the crushing burden of our excess spending is unconscionable.
Personal Responsibility – Liberty is unsustainable without responsibility. Each citizen must take responsibility for the consequences of his or her own actions while respecting the rights and dignity of others.
The Rule of Law – Consistent, independent and uniform application of the law is critical to a free and prosperous society.
National Sovereignty – We must maintain a strong national defense, effective security for our borders, and sole control over our land and our laws.
What we won’t stand for:
Personal Attacks – We’re debating positions and policies, not demonizing people or groups.
Unfounded Rumors – The easily verifiable facts are bad enough. Don’t weaken our position by stretching the truth.
And now the DHS says that people like me are a potential threat. Why? I'm a veteran. I lean Libertarian. I believe our borders are called borders for a reason.
I'm mad as hell.