I've been away from this blog for more than three weeks. Anybody notice? Anybody care? Hello!
Yeah, I fell off the planet. It isn't because there is a lack of things to write about. It isn't because I am no longer pissed off enough to vent my spleen online any longer. It isn't even because I am in a tempestuous relationship which commands my attention (well..sort of).
I will own up to being in the final throes of an existential-level move.
Well, I shall be back in India in a few weeks and I am basically shutting down (for now) my U.S. domestic life. I'm keeping my home and such, but I am selling (or sold) vehicles, giving away clothes et. al. because I shant be here. I'll be in Bangalore eating dosa to my heart's content.
Why the move? Well, simply put, I fell in love with India a few years back.
I've lived in and worked around the Asia Pacific region on and off over (dare I say it?) the past 20 years. The passion has its roots in my childhood. It is a great region to live and work in. However, I was not prepared for India held in store for me. What initially brought me there and what I found is a long, albeit interiesting, story for another time. Suffice to say that India is like nothing else I've encountered.
Having said that, I shall be updating my profile and so on. I shall be addressing the 800 lb. gorilla - outsourcing (which I support wholeheartedly), the US-India marriage and...well, let us just say I shall be dealing with my geography more.
Being the nationalistic sort, I'll admit that I believe the direction that the US and India are pursuing is going to benefit both countries well into the 21st Century. The arranged marriage between the world's oldest democracy and the world's largest is going to be of historical significance as the global paradigm shifts beneath our feet. We are witnessing, if you care to see beyond the length or your nose, these two secular giants push the global democracy and cooperation agenda forward.
As an American, I am proud. I am profoundly happy to feel as if I have even a clue as to what direction the world is heading. The synergistic energy which propelled the US into the preeminent position it finds itself in today is based on global knowledge which asserted itself on American shores. That knowledge comes from Americans, hyphenated and homegrown, with global DNA who use their different backgrounds to solve puzzles and meet challenges here in this nation of mutts. THAT is synergy.
The world has already begun to, as Thomas Friedman put it, "flatten." The US needs to address the source. We need to be more proactive. We need to reach out to find a global partner that is simpatico. And we did. India. Go down the list.
So I may be a bit spotty over the next month. I'll try to keep it as a personal goal. we shall see.