#1.) Okay. Giving way to juvenile behavior, I posted Bill Clinton with a puppy-stool mustache. Granted, a Great Dane might have been more appropriate given our sensitive political climate.
It was merely a jab at the PC in chief after a long series of tirades aimed at the current CINC. Every citizen has a right to speak. However, there has been a long tradition held by classier folks that a former POTUS (i.e. Clinton and Carter) make no contrary US foreign policy statements against the standing individual. As an example, see GHW Bush. He is a class act and stayed out of Clinton's way. I'll give Clinton points, however, for his uncanny ability to speak on the fly. Man, that boy is amazing to watch.
#2.) Found this:
http://jewswhereareyou.blogspot.com/My only response is: ?????
#3.) My third little piece pertains to the political kidnapping of Islam. Sure, there are the hysterically funny writings of an Ann Coulter who berates Islam (liberals, democrats et al). Then there is an organizarion like CAIR (ad infinitum) which makes excuses and provides succor to those violent individuals, thus encouraging more violence.
This is not the Islam that Leila Ahmed writes about.
This is an Islam that not only prohibits behavior by its adherants, it expects a dhimmi-like global experience. All should bow down at the altar of "submission." If we cannot show depictions of the Prophet (which has been done countless times in Muslim countries without incident), does that mean we cannot hit the gridiron with a "pigskin?" Is is possible that the International House of Pancakes will suffer the consequences of providing delicious, crispy bacon and pork sausage to the average consumer. Lord help Latin America if this happens! The amount of pork consumed by the Latin apostate...it makes me shudder.
If we bow down, we lose. This is THE slippery slope we've all heard about. There is a courageous imam in Denmark who stated flatly that more depictions, not less, should be the rule. He cites a simple fact that the very freedoms which the west reveres are at stake if we allow them to be taken hostage by intolerant savages.
I inserted the term "intolerant savages" because intolerance is the message we're getting. It describes the level of demand "at the point of a gun" mentality we are witnessing. Mao would be so proud.
And make no mistake about it, this is politics at its finest. It is "rally round the flag" syndrome gone beserk. While the info was readily available months ago when it was first published in a free country, how can these things take place in dictatorial countries where speech is limited and information controlled. These folks got the message because their governments wanted it out there. Then it steamrolled.
As far as the "We are not terrorists. You should be beheaded" stuff, local embellishment is an artistic addition, I think.
This is politics. This is not Islam.
Escuse me. I'm off to Denny's for a Meat-Lovers Slam breakfast.