i was awakened this morning by the dulcet tone of a british newsreader. in that fog of pre-conscious thought, i was back inside of a film i watched a few weeks back about terrorist bombings in london. the film dealt with islamic militants and "dirty bombs." as the cobwebs around my brain were peeled away, i realized that there actually was an attack in london. it was not a film. it was not a recollection. it was real.
while londoners (and britain at large) celebrated being newly chosen as a future olympic site, fanatical bastards had previously chosen london already as the site of mass carnage. do not forget, they will soon remind the world, it is all for the glory of god. as the line goes..."nobody expects the spanish inquisition."
it does not matter if you are black, white, arab, hindu, zoroastrian, atheist or pious muslim, you are a condemned apostate if you do not support global jihad. they do not pay much attention to the "there is no complusion in religion," or "do not harm the daughter of allah" lines of the quran. they are most selective in their chosen passages. they are only indescriminate when selecting who shall die.
when i recall my life amongst the ummah, i feel awash in the goodwill, love and charity that is always there. it makes me wonder exactly who these horrible, god-forsaken bastards are that dare to proclaim that they have the divine knowledge of god and what god wants. worse still is that they proclaim that they know why. that type of vanity is more than i can stand, or even comprehend. you worship god. you do not intercede as if you were god. how dare they be so egotistical..
go through all 99 names of the almighty and i can pretty much assure you that murderous, egotistical, cowardly, ignorant bastard is not one of them. taking ignorance and proclaiming it knowledge is not quranic. knowedge, it should be noted, takes precedence over almost everything, except piousness before allah. somehow, i did not see that this morning.
i wonder now how much more of this midaeval, militant behavior will be withstood before absolute midaeval responses are undertaken? yeah, nobody expects...